“The humanoids told Don that if he went home with a whore, she would cook him a meal of petroleum and coal products at fancy prices.”
I just started reading “Breakfast of Champions” by Kurt Vonnegut. I’ve never read anything by this author before and decided to give it a try. I picked out three books from the library to occupy myself before the new semester begins (next week!) and this was the first one I chose to read.
So far, it’s blowing my mind in ways I couldn’t even imagine. It is incredible how he puts multiple novels in one novel in the form of the main character’s books. Simple plots or even just extracts of plots jumping up and down the pages, almost hidden and unrecognizable as their own pieces of literature. There is a childlike simplicity that hides snide remarks the author makes about our world, some parts real and some parts fake or made up. I’m 63 pages in and I haven’t reached the point of why or how Dwayne and Kilgore met and became close, and yet the novel is no longer “opening” or setting the scene or the mood. We jump right into it with the preface, every paragraph is read as if someone is rushing the words, the ideas. Every sentence is rushed to allow the next one, but the next one is only being pushed by the one after, and so on.
It is also absurdly genius that Kilgore’s novels were published as “words” for pictures of “wide-open beavers” and printed together, the pictures not being illustrations or guidance to the novels at all. In hindsight, that probably made the novels just a tad more incredible. If you’re reading the text and not getting distracted by the beavers, then the words must be pure orgasmic li-te-ra-tu-re.
Not sure how I feel about Dwayne yet, I haven’t formed an opinion about him.
Me and Enzo (shoulder-cat)
Me and Toby (dog-cat)
In other news, I got stung by a bee last night on my neck, and I also have a big scar on my foot from a twig that got caught in my sandals. The cats are more demanding than ever and I think I might have found a freshman male version of myself (freshman year Katya, not senior year Katya). No idea what his name is or anything, but I keep seeing him on campus all the time in various colored skinny jeans and cool hair and too-cool-for-school attitude. Hm.